Pet Care & Wellness · The Dogs

Puppy Chews

So lets talk about teething… and the Sophee.

When you are in the shower.

Clearly from the image above, Soph was left unattended while I had a shower.. again clearly I was not watching her, my own fault. Luckily the paint is non toxic, but still.

We’re really at a trial and error point with Soph and her toys, we’ve come to the conclusion that she enjoys fabric toys and not so much hard toys as you can see from some of her selection below.

Fabric toys tend to last her all of 5 minutes before she has a hole right through it, but man does she love them. Rope Bones are her next favourite, they last longer than fabric toys of course so we’ll probably stick closer to them.

Kong I find was a great solution until she figured out that to get the treat out she just has to slam it on the floor a few time .. lol.

Natural Chews work great as well to keep her interested, I don’t have any current images though as she tends to get through them pretty quick. I definitely want to try antlers for her once shes a little older, they’re just too hard for her little teeth at this point.

Once she starts getting pieces of anything off I remove the toy or chew (unless edible) from her reach. We always recommend that any new toy be supervised with puppies.

Do any of your dogs have a favourite style of toy? What was the best when they were a puppy? What was the worse thing they chewed on you?

We would love to hear some of your funny stories, leave a comment below!

2 thoughts on “Puppy Chews

    1. 🤣🤣 aweee! Yeah Soph is definitely in a faze oh boy what a faze it is🤣😅 luckily I’m handy and can fix what her teeth sink into.. for the most part lmao!!

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